The Place of Supreme Truth
In Buddhist Philosophy, the Middle Way and the Dhammakaya are absolutely united. The Middle Way is the way that acts like a certain thread sewing earth, heaven and nibbana
Plastic bottles reborn as blankets in Buddhist recycling centre
Vietnam moves on outspoken sage
Overview : 3. The Middle Way
The Middle Way [majjhima patipada] is a path of practice that avoids the extremes of either sensual indulgence or self-mortification
Wonder Girl
The “Universal Energy” bonds the power of life, fights with serious illness, soothes mind into the centre of brain, builds circulations to generate seven levels of powers, and cures diseases with mind. I and my husband had practiced on the “Universal Energy”. However, we currently enter a temple, soothe our mind, and place it at the centre of the body. We practice a new kind of aura taught by Luang Phaw called “Gigantic Universal Energy”.
The Universality of Meditation
To not think at all, anyone of any religion in this world can do, whether one is a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu and so on.
Spiritual detox
Meditation for Locals // September 29, 2016 - Dhamamakaya Meditation Center, Mongolia
Dhammakaya Meditation Center, Mongolia organised the 8th meditation session for the month of September on September 29, 2016.
Making Things Practical.
Each direction in the six directions serves as a good environment. Within each relationship, we learn from each other through our actions. Our mind is the most powerful thing.
Vesak Day an International Day of the World
Why is Vesak Day an International Day of the World?